USA – American flexible packaging and material science company ProAmpac has introduced its patent-pending, ProActive Recyclable R-2200D Easy-Peel Open Packaging.
A groundbreaking innovation, the R-2200D provides consumers with a hassle-free snacking experience through its exceptional, easy-peel, easy-to-open sealant technology.
ProAmpac’s Recyclable R-2200D Easy-Peel Open is a high-performance polyethylene-based recyclable film designed to replace laminated, non-recyclable structures used in snack packaging, such as BOPP/BOPP, BOPP/Met BOPP, PET/peelable PE and more.
Engineered for high-speed form/fill/seal applications, R-2200D is pre-qualified for store drop-off recycling.
ProAmpac’s chief commercial officer, Adam Grose, emphasizes said: “R-2200D represents the latest addition to our ProActive Sustainability® product family.
“This comprehensive range of packaging solutions empowers our customers to achieve their sustainable packaging goals.
“R-2200D, developed by ProAmpac’s material science team, seamlessly integrates with existing high-speed filling lines without impacting packing efficiencies.”
Additionally, the packaging film enables brand owners to meet their graphic preferences as the film is available in gloss, registered matte, or with ProAmpac’s Signature Surfaces.
ProAmpac global sustainability innovation director Amir Saffar added: “R-2200D, like all ProAmpac R-2000 recyclable films, is engineered to deliver superior heat resistance on the outside and excellent peelable seal characteristics on the inside, making it perfect for high-speed filling operations.
“R-2200D has very good clarity for optimal product visibility and is available in high puncture resistance to increase packaging durability.”
ProAmpac’s ProActive Sustainability offers sustainable flexible packaging products to help customers achieve their individual sustainability goals.
Meanwhile, the flexible company added ProActive Recyclable Paper-1000 to its ProActive Recyclable series in February.
ProAmpac says Recyclable Paper (RP)-1000 is the first product launched in a series of new kerbside recyclable paper-based packaging solutions that are heat-sealable.
RP-1000 is claimed to have good moisture barrier and directional tear properties and can be used as a substitute for non-sustainable, multi-material laminates.
More recently, ProAmpac unveiled its new patent-pending PRO-EVO Recyclable platform to the ProActive Recyclable series of products.
PRO-EVO Recyclable platform is a multi-wallpaper-based self-opening-sack (SOS) bag certified for curbside recycling and said to be suitable for dry pet food.
According to the flexible packaging firm, the latest member of the ProActive Recyclable series offers more grease and edge-wicking resistance without any per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
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