US – ChoosePlanetA is launching The Good Cup, an environmentally sustainable single-use paper cup that eliminates the need for plastic lids.
The cup has a foldable built-in lid made from 100% certified home compostable paper and it is free from the commonly used PE coating.
The cup’s patented design has been designed for coffee shops and other convenience drink retailers offering to-go options.
Additionally, the cup is created to combat the ever-pressing issue of single-use waste in the packaging industry while meeting consumer markets for eco-friendly options and cutting costs for producers.
“Most sustainable solutions and plastic alternatives are generally two to three times more costly in the packaging industry. The Good Cup is not only sustainable, but it also offers cost savings,” says Cyril Drouet, co-founder and Managing Director at ChoosePlanetA.
The Good Cup streamlined its design to be complete in one item having a built-in lid. Not requiring a plastic cover not only helps the environment but reduces storage space and therefore reduces cost.
The cup’s foldable lid provides a 40% reduction in storage space, transportation volume and carbon footprint as compared to the classic coffee cup, in turn, saving companies money.
The typical cup utilized at The Good Cups’ target locations is a single-use paper cup with a PE coating and plastic lid.
These features contribute to environmental damage and higher costs due to producing and storing multiple components.
The launch comes at a time when manufacturers and consumers are looking for ways to reduce plastic waste.
“Consumers will not feel guilty about consuming plastic and truly feel great drinking from a disposable cup that doesn’t harm the environment,” claims Drouet.
According to Earth Day, the US throws away more than 50 billion coffee cups yearly, most ending up in landfills or incinerators.
Over 500 billion single-use plastic and paper cups are manufactured globally, generating over one million tons of waste from plastic lids alone, states ChoosePlanetA.
ChosePlanetA’s co-founder says that The Good Cup is committed to the “most crucial and necessary impact – helping to alleviate the environmental crisis by removing plastic, one lid at a time.”
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