SWEDEN – Swedish pulp and paper manufacturer, BillerudKorsnäs has introduced Performance White Barrier in sack paper to replace the plastic film barrier.
According to the company, the new sack paper is on par with traditional alternatives regarding shelf-life expectancy and other performance factors.
It can also reportedly be recycled in regular paper streams, has a printing surface for branding and product content display and apparently causes “no need for any changes in the supply chain.”
It is the view of BillerudKorsnäs that Performance White Barrier can replace most slit and perforated plastic films without significant changes in shelf-life performance.
It is also suited for use in a wide variety of sack paper applications including animal feed, building materials, chemical substances, dry food, and mineral products.
“Both surveys and customer insights show that sustainable packaging is still high on the agenda, driven by consumer preferences,” says Armin van Overbeek, Vice President of BillerudKorsnäs’ Sack and Kraft Paper Business Area.
According to Eurostat statistics about actual recycling rates in the EU, 8 out of 10 people recycle their paper and cardboard packaging compared to 4 out of 10 for plastic packaging.
The company says that the high recycling rate for paper is important for the environment, but also contributes to higher financial margins for companies as taxes on non-recyclable packaging can be high.
In addition, the company adds that the Performance White Barrier is easy for converters to process and that no changes are needed in sack production equipment.
BillerudKorsnäs wins Climate Prize award
Meanwhile, the company has been awarded the Climate Prize as part of the supplier engagement initiative ‘Join us in protecting the planet.’ driven by Tetra Pak.
“Our supply partner BillerudKorsnäs has achieved the lowest greenhouse gas emissions for the products provided to us and has submitted the most ambitious climate action plan, which is approved by the Science Based Targets initiative in line with a 1.5°C pathway,” said Lars Holmquist, Executive Vice President for Sustainability & Communications at Tetra Pak.
“By doing this, they are one step ahead and this award recognizes that they are leading by example in fighting climate change.”
BillerudKorsnäs has a long-standing ambition to phase out all fossil fuels in production processes.
Currently, BillerudKorsnäs production is 97 percent fossil-free, the company in a statement says that it pushing through to achieve its target of becoming entirely independent of fossil fuels in the production process.
According to the statement, the company plans to have its first mill with the possibility of an entirely fossil-free production process in 2025.
It also says that all the company’s integrated mills should reach the same fossil-free status in 2030.
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